This week, Booger McFarland, a former LSU football player and current ESPN analyst, made an appearance on the Andy & Ari podcast. He stated, “I tell every coach that comes to LSU the same thing: ‘I’m loyal to the three letters, not to you.'” You can count on me to always be honest since I am devoted to my program and want to see LSU succeed as well as those youngsters triumph. I thus text them from a football analyst’s perspective of what I observe, and it’s the raw, honest truth, whenever I text them, all the way back to Les Miles and even now to Brian Kelly.
Sometimes the statement is, “I adore how you accomplished XYZ,” or it can be, “You know what? This was bad. The way we played, what you did, and what we’re doing are all insufficient. I thus believe that you can appreciate it as a coach, or at least I hope he does. The relationship between BK and I is positive. It seems to me that he has said very frankly that he came to LSU in hopes of winning a title. It is thus not a mystery what I am saying or texting him. What is already understood doesn’t require more explanation.